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  • thebookfactory01

Review on Richard Bach's inspirational book "Jonathan Livingston Seagull"

A motivating story that has  instilled confidence in me to go ahead  and chase my dream even if it is something unconventional irrespective of what people will think of it.

Seagull, who aspired to do something different ,something extraordinary had been made an outcast ...

He wished to break out of his shell and scale new heights by learning new ways of flying ..rising above the sky..pushing beyond his limits..rather than the conventional method of looking for food and return to the shore..

He stood by his beliefs and was determined to realize his dream and ultimately his success is the testimony to the fact that if one has faith in oneself everything is possible.

We all go through this phase in our lives where our convictions are being questioned ,we are being criticized and the whole world seems to turn against us..sometimes we start feeling if we are doing something wrong?..that is the time when we got to decide and take our stand.

This inspiring story has helped in boosting up my confidence and made me realize to have faith in myself .

There is only one life live it to the fullest!

 Steve jobs once said:

"Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your inner voice"

lets listen to our inner voice.

Richard Bach's book is truly a masterpiece !

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